
See below what our beneficiaries and their families, together with our partners and tribe of volunteers have to say about the work and impact of our charity.

Hear it straight from the children and young people who have experienced a Muscle Dream and what it really means to them. Read what our dedicated Muscle Warrior volunteers have to say about their experiences and how the impact of our interventions has not only changed them but also inspired them to support the charity in the future.


“Yesterday Oliver got treated to what he has described as ‘the best day of his life’! For Oliver to have been selected for this ’once-in-a-life-time’ experience means so much to him and us as a family – what an awesome experience. These boys and young men wanted to experience what most people take for granted. For them being able to be seated in a car has not only been a very long time but, one boy had never been seated in a car before, as he had only ever been transported in his wheelchair in his adapted van. To have kept my tears at bay was at times truly difficult but my heart was filled with love and pride watching these boys and my son race off with the biggest smile on their faces and the wind in their hair. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Let’s hear it for these 8 lucky petrol-heads from across the UK ~ Oliver, Liam, Leo, Carson, Matthew, Kulam, Lewis & Tom + their families, all now fully-fledged Muscle Warriors!” – Emma, mum of Oliver

“Just to say a massive thank you for the past 2 days – you have created some wonderful memories for us to cherish forever. It was a pleasure to meet your lovely team. What a fantastic bunch of people! Fantastic goody bags – you are all so special and we feel very privileged to know you. Much love..”Sam, Simon, Samuel, Rosie & Ollie

“I can’t stop smiling! The best day in my whole life; if I could make a moment last forever, this would be the one that I choose”Ben, 23yrs, from Norwich

“Firstly, let me say a huge thank you to you and everyone who helped make our Muscle Dream so very special. Both Keir and ourselves will always remember this amazing experience! So far, he has told everyone he’s come in contact with, school, nans, granddads, aunts, uncles, cousins etc you name it, he’s told them! And the presents were just so special; those are going to take pride of place on his bedroom wall. It was also amazing as we met other families in the same situation as we are in and it soon became apparent that we all go through the same emotional roller coasters, so I left feeling not so alone which is the best way I can describe it. Please pass on our heartfelt thanks to Michael and his family; a true inspiration to everyone. A huge thank you”Elaine, Mum of Keir, 14yrs, from London

“Thank you so much for a wonderful experience! I am thrilled that we could find the energy and determination to make it – you have clearly spent years perfecting the Porsche Muscle Dream programme which was amazing! It was so kind of you to include siblings in the experience. Jamie was almost speechless with excitement. Mel is beyond impressive as a supporter of the charity and the gifts that Matthew received were astonishingly generous and thoughtful. You really did make us all feel very special and I saw a glimpse here and there of the Matthew that I’d like to get back fully one day. Please find enclosed a donation of £65.70 from each of us and the cancelled check for travel expenses. We hope it contributes to another Muscle Dream” – The Newnham family

“It was the best day ever; I felt I could achieve anything. I’m now looking to join an aviation club in Northern Ireland. Anything is possible!”Lewis, 10yrs, from Strabane, Northern Ireland

“It was fantastic. To be able to see the Olympic stadium for myself was truly magical. It was a truly rewarding experience”Jonathan, 26yrs, from Hampshire

“Kate has been in touch with us, our amazing ‘chaperone’ throughout the day, with some pics she took and also a link to one of Michael’s inspirational talks which we will be sure to look at. I said to her how we’re still so amazed by everything that happened, everyone involved and also the additional out of this world surprises… words can’t describe what an awesome experience it’s been! Thank you so much for giving Thomas such a memorable ‘dream come true’ experience. He hasn’t stopped talking about it and I don’t think he ever will!! We’re looking forward to staying in touch with our Muscle Warrior family! 🙂 xxx”Karen, Mum of Thomas, 10yrs, from Cheshire

“Thanks so much to you and the team for organising such an amazing couple of days for George. He really did have the best day of his life so far and it has made such a difference to him. The whole programme ran so smoothly from the moment we arrived, and we couldn’t have asked for more. He loves his gifts (and is still making his way through his favourite Doritos!) and has spent all afternoon watching the video of the driving experience again and again after the memory stick arrived. Thanks again for making him so happy!”Nicola, Mum of George, 10yrs, from Hampshire

“Thanks for a superb, totally memorable couple of days”Warren, Dad of Dylan, 15yrs, from Staffordshire

“My dad and I had the absolute best day ever and I had a birthday that I will never forget. Many many thanks to you all for such an unforgettable day :)”Josh, 13yrs, from Suffolk

“I gained more confidence and inspiration from seeing the Paralympics and making new friends. I shall never forget this experience, thank you to you and your team”James, 14yrs, from Dorset

“MHF go above and beyond anyone else. We didn’t just get a Muscle Dream, we made new friends” Rob, Dad of Freddie, 15yrs, from Cornwall

“Legs that worked was so much fun, I’d spin, hop and run, Jumping, skipping, rolling around,
Laughing hard I’d fall to the ground, That’s now a dream, laying in bed, Happy days spinning round my head,
Remembering as things used to be, Before being taken away by D.M.D.

“Life’s different in my wheelchair, I’m angry, sad, life’s so unfair.
On the sidelines, that’s how it feels, No-one plays with me in my wheels.
I long to feel, happy and free, Soaring like a bird, over the sea, Skimming waves, bouncing around,
Jumping up and down.”

“Laughing loud, sea splashing my face, I’m winning a race!
Sun kissed, happy, I’ll feel the breeze, Rustling my hair, tickling my knees!
Ending the day, snuggled in bed, Magical feelings racing round my head,
I’ll remember what ‘WetWheels’ gave to me, Mason Fernley, as he was meant to be……
Aged 11, happy, free”

Reproduced with kind permission from the Fernley family; Aug 2013 WetWheels Muscle Dream Programme – nomination poem written by beneficiary Mason Fernley, 11yrs, Oxfordshire

“Thank you for sending me the fantastic photos of my time with Ray Mears. The photos brought back the reality of the Muscle Dream and how amazing it all was. I can only thank you and your team for making everything so very special”Sam, 15yrs, from Surrey

“I am extremely honoured that I met you all and was given the opportunity to experience a part of this extraordinary history. I will never forget the amazing time I had and I am forever grateful for your kindness. I think your charity is fantastic … and I absolutely love branding, especially the ‘Muscle Warriors’ ethos!”Sulaiman, 27yrs, from London

“It’s Alex Tait from Porsche Class of 2013: I thought you would be interested to know that thanks to the Muscle Dream and your determination to do anything, this has inspired me to follow my own dreams and gain my ARDS racing licence with a view to competing in a few rounds of the junior touring car championship. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for making me realise how much I want to follow my dreams and also giving me the determination to do this” – Alex, 14yrs, from Sheffield

“The charity gave me my Muscle Dream day! It meant absolutely everything to me and my family. It was special, it made me feel involved and part of the world like everyone else”Benjamin, 16yrs, from Buckinghamshire

“I am very fortunate that I had the chance to experience this wonderful opportunity to see Diversity live! The whole experience was incredible. You are an inspiration to me and many more. I love what you are doing. I liked how you made us feel so special and important” Sanah, 16yrs, Wolverhampton



“A massive Muscle Warrior thank you to you and all your team especially Milda. You are all very special people!!! Two weeks on from this awesome experience, I’d like to tell you that Lewis has found the confidence to go on his first school trip. This is a massive step forward for him and me. And it’s all down to you and that amazing Muscle Dream experience! Thank you for helping our family. Do not change – your charity is fabulous! Sending love and best wishes”Lewis, Claire, Guy & Uncle John

Lewis is still buzzing from his Airbus A380 Muscle Dream experience. You helped him realize he has a lot of untapped potential. He came home more inspired by his love of aviation. You will be in our conversations often as Lewis comes to understand more about his condition” – Clare, Mum to Lewis, 10yrs, from Strabane, Norther Ireland

“We had such a fantastic awesome day. All the volunteers that helped at the party and on the day were real stars. But the biggest THANK YOU must go to Michael McGrath that made it all possible in the 1st place”Cathy, Mum to Shaun, 15yrs, from West Sussex

“A quick note of thanks to you and all at The Muscle Help Foundation for a fantastic memory at this year’s 2019 Porsche Muscle Dream driving experience programme. From start to finish, the whole experience was well organised and full of surprises! A special word for Simon who hosted us from start to finish; he was charming and lovely. Thanks never seems to be enough to convey exactly how we all felt about but hopefully you understand how grateful we are to you and your wonderful team”John, Sam, Beccie & Tom

“Thank you for a wonderful experience. From start to finish everything was perfect, the hotel, volunteers, everything and everybody. Big thank you to everyone”Lisa, Mum to Cameron, 11yrs, from Neath, Wales

“Benjamin had such an amazing day at Paradise Wildlife Park. Every time I look at the photographs and see the smile on his face with the animals, it melts my heart! We were thoroughly spoiled at Fanhams Hall Hotel. Spending such an amazing day with you all and especially Sue and Michael was a day we will always remember. I can’t ever forget what an effort Michael went to, to make us feel relaxed, listened to, happy and very positive. He is a truly inspirational man and I would love to do some fundraising to help make more Muscle Dreams happen and to help raise awareness of Muscle Warriors in our area. We will be wearing our Muscle Warrior t-shirts with pride and will be telling our friends, family and colleagues all about the charity”Danielle, Mum to Benjamin, 16yrs, from Buckinghamshire

“Thanks again for all your hard work both prior to and on the day he had a fantastic time you and your fellow Muscle Warriors provided my son with a wonderful experience that he will remember for his lifetime”Paul, Dad to Joseph, 15yrs, from Shropshire

“A massive thank you to you, your family and everyone who works for your charity for our amazing weekend with you all. It was truly amazing as are you!”Nicky, Mum to Becca, 13yrs, from West Sussex

“I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity you gave us both this summer in a once-in-a-lifetime experience at the Paralympics. Enclosed a little souvenir booklet I put together for Nathan and our family so we can all treasure the memories; thank you again”Rick, Dad to Nathan, 9yrs, North Yorkshire

“It was an amazing two days which Sam will never ever forget. He has been telling everyone at school that he met Ray and he took the photo’s with him. Please pass on my thanks to the rest of the team for making it all happen. We will be seeing his friends at powerchair football practise today so will pass on the details re the Games Inspired Muscle Dream’ Programme. I have already nominated him!”Penny, Mum to Sam, 15yrs, from Oxfordshire

“You have given me hope that good things do happen. Your call came when I was at a low point. You have restored my faith in people”Julie, Mum to Daniel, 15yrs, from Lincoln

“I just needed to say how much I appreciate all the effort that went into making it such a fantastic day for all the boys, and their parents. We would also like to say thank you for the unexpected but entirely superb ‘goody bag’ that we found in our room at bedtime!”Sue, Mum of Matt, 15yrs, from West Sussex

“We have just come back down to earth after our fantastic weekend!!! Our love and best wishes to Pam and Josh Webster for their kindness and contribution to Josh’s Muscle Dream. Thank you Sue for making me laugh so much and Michael for making it so special for Josh”Jenny & Mark, Mum & Dad to Josh, 17yrs, from Surrey

“Muscular dystrophy is a horrible disease and Michael having muscular dystrophy really understands what we are going through as families and what our sons and daughters are going through as children. Michael’s charity is just exceptional”Phil, Dad to Jack, 18yrs, from Hertfordshire


And of course our fab volunteers, the life-blood of our charity…

Pure inspiration! We live and breathe our technologies and products; meeting Lewis (from Northern Ireland) with his passion for flight put us all on cloud 9!” – Nick Chesher, Airbus

“I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you again for having my son Alex at your flagship 2019 Porsche Muscle Dream Driving Experience programme yesterday. He loved every minute of it, not just because of the opportunity to get an insight into filming and video production with Nick and Jamie (which was his initial reason for going) but also for being allowed to be part of the charity’s day itself. I know from personal experience that being an MHF Volunteer Host on your events is such a privilege and a heart-warming experience which he has now had a chance to witness and experience for himself” – Sandra Collins, Head of Strategic Communications, BCD Meetings & Events

“Thank you immensely for having me join you at yesterday’s wonderful event. It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to support an amazing cause and brilliant charity, as well as to meet you all and the immense pool of volunteers and beneficiaries. Jason (CineCloud) has always spoken incredibly highly of yourselves and the work of the Muscle Help Foundation; having the chance to witness this first-hand was very inspirational. I have worked with charities for most of my career to date and it is few and far between that you have the chance to really and truly see the impact first-hand that you can have on individuals. The experience was a delight to see through, an emotional rollercoaster I must add, but a thought provoking and motivational day above that of which I have experienced in the past. I was made to feel as part of the ‘tribe’, one of the team and a true ‘Muscle Warrior’. Until next time…Sam Eustace, Corporate Affairs Manager, Roche

It was an absolute pleasure and a privilege to meet you and your team. And of course Lewis who is such an incredible little man! We will all never forget the great day he spent with us and for me, personally, every time I see and fly on one of our A380s, I will always think of the wonderful little boy Lewis and his love for aviation. And who knows, one day we may be able to reunite Lewis with one of our A380s to keep nurturing that amazing spirit and enthusiasm” – Jonathon Counsell, Group Head of Sustainability, International Airlines Group (IAG)

“I heard one young lad say he had the best day of his life – I can genuinely say it was one of the best of mine too! I really enjoyed it and loved every moment of getting to know the family I hosted. Really enjoyed meeting the rest of you too and if there is anything further I can do, just ask” – Mark Goody, Centre Principal, Porsche Centre Hatfield

“Thank you to everybody involved – experiencing all the effort going on behind the scenes to provide an amazing Porsche Muscle Dream programme was special, every second of the day was to create life-long memories for those wonderful beneficiaries. Their smiles made the day! I really enjoyed my role… the best day of my life. I’m glad I had the chance to interact with the whole team & the opportunity to share my story during lunch. My favourite part of the day was receiving a special drawing from ‘Mikie’ after dinner. I’m looking forward to future events!” – Vivek Gohil, MHF Ambassador

“I couldn’t agree more with Mark, it was a fantastic experience, seeing all the boys and their family’s excitement build up throughout the day was fantastic! Well done to all involved, thoroughly enjoyed it! Happy to help in the future” – Martin Barrett, Managing Director, DCS Sonovision UK

Colette Cooper:
“Words cannot express the happiness that you bring to not only the beneficiaries, but on behalf of all the volunteers, I am sure I am not alone in saying that these experiences are truly the best days of our lives also! I have been welcomed wonderfully into your Muscle Warrior family and I hope that I can help in any way I can for many years to come! Good luck shaking me off!!” – Colette Cooper, Business Development Manager, Cariad Marketing

“It was indeed one of the happiest days of my life too. Such a privilege to be part of the day. I felt like a VIP. I get to relive it over the coming weeks as I go over the footage and we craft filmettes. Fantastic preparation created a fantastic day” – Sarah Lowther, Broadcast Journalist, Event Host

“I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing this event (Porsche Muscle Dream Programme) three times now, and it never fails to make an impact on me as if it was my first. Today, writing my thank you emails to everyone that helped deliver the gifts here at Mercedes AMG F1 (the icing on a very large cake), made me shed a tear at the sheer enormity of the experience we gave those 8 boys and their families – life changing moments that every ‘Muscle Dream’ creates! A truly memorable experience and lesson in what can be achieved as the team we are when we all come together. Already looking forward to next year!” – Mel Ridgers, Test and Development Technician, MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team

“The Muscle Help Foundation does such incredible work. They organise experiences that are life-changing, experiences that if it were not for this small family charity, they may never have had otherwise. Brilliant”Joanna Lawlor, AstraZeneca

“It was an absolute privilege to be part of this; to work in a group of friendly, dedicated and selfless volunteers, and a small charity which delivers ambitious, contemporary and above all else person-centred Muscle Dreams which makes positive life changes for young people”Jon Heyes

“It’s not everyday you can say that you’ve changed lives. The way this charity adds its ‘personal touches’ to every Muscle Dream it delivers makes it truly unique and holds a special place in the hearts and minds of its recipients and volunteers alike. Together we are not just stronger together, we are unbreakable”Steve Stone

“I felt honoured that you allowed me to help and take part in what was an extremely rewarding day. It was heart-warming to see the children enjoy themselves so much. I think it was clear for all to see the positivity that emanated from the whole experience and the underlying message of hope. Michael, you and your team are an inspiration to us all. I am taken aback by what you do and how you do it, it’s awe-inspiring”Josh Drukarz

“Joining the Muscle Warriors was a privilege, meeting the families made me realise how positive and forward thinking the Muscle Help Foundation is; the whole experience was incredible and one I will remember for years to come”Fay Sharpe, VP Marketing, BCD Meetings & Events

“I wanted to write to you to express my thanks for giving me the most incredible opportunities over the last few months. Not only this, you spent a huge amount of time in your already very busy schedule helping me with conquering some of my own issues and I will never forget this kindness. I feel enormously privileged to be part of your amazing charity and having spent so much time with other volunteers and families, I now feel part of the Muscle Warriors tribe!”Will Ferguson

“Being involved with the charity’s flagship ‘Games Inspired Muscle Dreams’ programme at the 2012 London Paralympics was inspiring and a real privilege. The tireless work of Michael McGrath and his team has to be admired. I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with all the families and my fellow volunteers. Memories which I will never forget”Jon Nock


Other messages of support

“From what I’ve heard about the work of your charity, you simply must keep going”Sir Richard ‘Dickie’ Attenborough, Oscar-winning film director & English actor

“This is a small charity with a very very big heart – please give generously; thank you”Sir Kenneth Branagh, British actor, director, producer, and screenwriter

“I’ve been lucky enough to spend a lot of my life challenging myself and living my own dreams. But with your support, the Muscle Help Foundation can help those with muscular dystrophy live their own incredible, unforgettable Muscle Dreams”Sir Richard Branson, Founder, the Virgin Group

“The idea of Muscle Dreams is compelling – it’s exactly what these young people with muscular dystrophy want”Grant Cornwell MBE, CEO Tottenham Hotspur Foundation

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