McGrath in Ice Man Cometh Travel Feature

Posted on April 2nd, 2007

axa01Spring 2007 be ~ The Magazine from AXA PPP healthcare – Editorial Feature p30-32 – Travel: Ice Man Cometh ~ How one member travelled from Pole to Pole

… Don’t miss our inspiring travel feature on member Michael McGrath’s trip to the North and South Poles. It’s an inspiring read!

Victoria Georgalakis Hardy, Customer Services Director, AXA PPP healthcare

Excerpt from p30 – Setting his sights high

Michael’s awesome achievement can be seen as an act of defiance against a disability which has robbed him of 65 per cent of his muscle bulk and makes walking extremely difficult … when I told people my intention was to go to the North Pole, 99 per cent of them, including some of my family, said “You can’t do that!” …

Excerpt from p30 – Failure was not an option

… “I produced a comprehensive (expedition) report that’s now lodged in the archives of the Royal Geographical Society. I covered every angle to ensure we achieved what we set out to do”

Excerpt from p31 – Raising MD awareness

One compelling reason for Michael embarking on the expeditions was to raise awareness about Muscular Dystrophy. “People would say “What’s it like having MS?” and I’d reply that I don’t have MS. I have MD – Muscular Dystrophy. Then I’d see their eyes glaze over as if they’re thinking “what on earth is Muscular Dystrophy?” because there’s MS, ME, MD …”

Excerpt from p32

That interest in the hospitality industry has come full circle with his role as disABILITY Champion of Hilton Hotels UK & Ireland. Given that courage, determination and concentration are attributes Michael has in industrial-sized quantities, it’s also no surprise to hear that he is in demand as an inspiring motivational speaker …

Excerpt from p32

“I’m an extraordinarily healthy person, other than having Muscular Dystrophy”.

Excerpt from p32

No cures and no treatments exist to correct the loss of muscle cells … the latest stem cell research brings some new hope. “I share the views of Michael J Fox and the late Christopher Reeve, both of whom campaigned so much for their respective causes – that is, we should allow it to happen, despite ideological objections”.

AXA PPP healthcare

Regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in 2005, AXA PPP healthcare has been helping people to access medical care since 1940. AXA PPP healthcare have earned a reputation for quality service and account management and today cover nearly two million people.


Lydia Drukarz, Director
Wavelength Public Relations
M. 07977 454180
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