10yr-old Muscle Warrior Lewis describes his Airbus A380 Muscle Dream experience at Heathrow as ‘the best day ever’!

Date Fulfilled: 10th December 2016

When a mum from Strabane (Northern Ireland) takes time out from her busy schedule to submit a Muscle Dream nomination in which she says that her beautiful 10yr-old son Lewis who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is absolutely crazy about planes and everything to do with aviation, especially the Airbus A380, well there was only one thing for it… he rest as they say is history!

We know that in watching the above film, you’ll be seriously inspired! So, if there’s something you would like to do right now to support our work, please share this wonderful film with your world, perhaps leave a comment and be sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel – thank you!

“It was the best day ever; I felt I could achieve anything. I’m now looking to join an aviation club in Northern Ireland. Anything is possible!”

Lewis 10yrs, Airbus A380 Muscle Dream beneficiary

“Lewis is still buzzing from his Muscle Dream experience. You helped him realize he has a lot of untapped potential. He came home more inspired by his love of aviation. You will be in our conversations often as Lewis comes to understand more about his condition”

Clare (mum of Lewis)

“Pure inspiration! We live and breathe our technologies and products; meeting Lewis with his passion for flight put us all on cloud 9!”

Nick Chesher, Project Manager, Airbus

“It was an absolute pleasure and a privilege to meet you and your team. And of course, Lewis who is such an incredible little man! We will all never forget the great day he spent with us and for me, personally, every time I see and fly on one of our A380s, I will always think of the wonderful little boy Lewis and his love for aviation. And who knows, one day we may be able to reunite Lewis with one of our A380s to keep nurturing that amazing spirit and enthusiasm.”

Jonathon Counsell, Group Head of Sustainability, International Airlines Group (IAG)

To all those who participated across the two operational days ie. 6th- 8th December 2016 in enabling Lewis’s fantastic Muscle Dream experience so incredibly memorable, huge aircraft hangars full of gratitude (that’s a lot of love!), especially to those key organisations and individuals who stepped up to support… we know that these two days have meant the world to Lewis and his family! You guys rock!

  • Airbus
  • International Airlines Group (IAG)
  • Sofitel London Heathrow Hotel
  • Gary Perlmutter Photography

And last but by no means least Will Ferguson Filming, for capturing the very essence of what we call in our little charity ‘the-magic-dust’ of what was described by Lewis’s mum as “the best day of his life”.

You can also view Lewis’s Airbus A380 Muscle Dream official photo album on the charity’s dedicated Flickr Channel HERE with over 150 amazing photos, courtesy of the brilliantly talented Gary Perlmutter or Gary Perlmutter Photography – big thanks Gary! Happy viewing!

As a small charity with extremely limited resources, we need help and support so we can deliver many more Muscle Dream experiences just like Lewis’s – if you or your business would like to start a conversation about exploring the value of a strategic partnership with our charity or perhaps you would like to volunteer or fundraise for our cause, why not contact us today.

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