3B Scientific Sponsors Educational Aids

Posted on March 31st, 2008

3B Scientific UK have agreed to provide on-going teaching-aids support to the increasing number of schools that The Muscular Help Foundation (MHF) is becoming involved with, specifically through its educational talks and guest lecture activities often used to underpin school enrichment programmes.

3bscientific013B Scientific is the world’s leading manufacturer of anatomical and biological teaching aids for science, training and patient education. MHF has over the past three years built a relationship with 3B Scientific UK – the company has supported the learning activities of the charity.

Elisabeth Speakman, General Manager of 3B Scientific UK said, “Our company slogan of ‘… going one step further’ is embodied by Michael McGrath, the inspirational CEO and co-founder of this Hertfordshire-based charity. Here is a man who has not only made history by reaching both North and South Poles, but who despite suffering from muscular dystrophy, clearly lives his infectious Reach Beyond ethos each and every day of his life, an ethos that many schools have enthusiastically embraced as a result of Michael’s educational talks.”

3bscientific02“Education is an important part of our business and I’m really excited by the school talks that Michael gives, designed to focus pupil’s attention on the powerful link that exists between what he refers to as the 3M’s, namely muscles, movement and motivation,” commented 3B’s General Manager.

Michael McGrath said, “3B Scientific UK are sponsoring a number of relevant educational materials to support my school talks including giant sized posters of the human musculoskeletal system, beautifully illustrated anatomical cotton musculature T-shirts (pictured below) used as prizes for the winners of our Muscle Challenge Quiz initiative and large ‘muscleman’ bath towels.”

3bscientific03“Many of the children who’ve won prizes like the muscleman T-shirts see them as seriously cool! Using clothing in this way is not only great fun but also an excellent platform to learn. School subjects such as science should not just be taught from a text book or off a DVD. Only by experiencing and visualizing real life issues gleaned from real life experiences can today’s children begin to learn about the environment around them, whether that be the importance of sport and PE or making the connection with people whose muscles are broken and wasting away. Pupils horizons are truly broadened,” commented McGrath.

He goes on to say “Doing so equips them to apply their new found knowledge to other situations in life – for example when talking about muscles and how they universally bind us together enabling human beings to run, jump, skip, throw and even just smile, the impressive life-size human muscular skeletal posters that I use in my talks not only provide a fantastic colourful back-drop but also a brilliant learning tool.”

Michael McGrath is an established motivational speaker. His interactive school talks aim to underpin some of the elements of the Citizenship and Personal Health and Social Education (PHSE) curriculum; they provide a fun and engaging platform that educates, reinvigorates and motivates.

If you are looking to add value to your school enrichment programme and would like to learn more about Michael McGrath’s school talks and guest lecture activities, you can either contact us directly or phone the MHF office on +44 (0)1763 274658.

About 3B Scientific

The brand name 3B Scientific® is represented in over 100 countries worldwide in the medical and educational sector. Achieving constantly growing sales, the 3B Scientific group is the worldwide leader in the anatomy market today, with UK 3B Scientific being founded in 2003.

3B customers include universities, schools, ministries of health and education, other health and educational authorities, hospitals, practitioners, educational and medical distributors, students and the pharmaceutical industry.

UK 3B Scientific Ltd


Lydia Drukarz, Director
Wavelength Public Relations
M. 07977 454180
E. lydia@wavelengthpr.com
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