Author: Charlotte Barrett, Guest Blogger & MHF Volunteer
As Monday 25th September this year is National Family Day, we thought we’d look at why our families are so important to us. Welcome to our latest blog which we’re releasing to mark this special day.
“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything” Source: Michael J. Fox |
Family is incredibly important, particularly when living with a life altering condition. Families are the people who are there through thick and thin and the people who will help you find the light in the darkness. They teach us to communicate, provide safety and support, teach confidence and give unconditional love.
A strong network of family and friends is a key part of being a human. Different people fulfil different roles in our lives and help us to be the best we can be. Having a supportive family network is beneficial to mental wellbeing too. In both the good times and the bad, our families allow us to band together and provide the support we all need.
“No man is an island” Source: John Donne |
Family is a definition that has changed over many years depending on culture and time. Family does not have to mean flesh and blood. It can be your pets or your friends. Here at the Muscle Help Foundation charity, we like to view ourselves as a family unit. We are here to support our beneficiaries and their families and help you realise dreams that may have felt out of reach.
We’re proud to celebrate all that is wonderful about the MHF family this National Family Day and we thank everyone who supports us and has benefited from our work – to us, you are all part of the MHF community, a family within a family.