Alexandra Shackleton

Posted on October 11th, 2003

shackeltonProudly displaying the Polar Medal awarded to her grandfather

My grandfather Ernest Shackleton once listed the qualities he looked for in a polar explorer as follows:

  • Optimism
  • Patience
  • Imagination coupled with Idealism
  • Courage

I believe that Michael McGrath possesses all of these.

Optimism – displayed not only in his belief that he could attain both Poles, but that he could persuade others to give him their support.

Patience – all Polar expeditions involve lengthy and sometimes tedious preparations and become yet more time consuming when these have to include the requirements of a disabled leader.

Imagination coupled with Idealism – the concept of pole2pole, the inaugural event of The Muscular Help Foundation, is both hugely imaginative and, with it’s brief to benefit all sufferers from global muscle disorders, inspiringly idealistic.

Finally Courage – the Antarctic is both demanding and unpredictable. It’s extremes can test the courage of all explorers however fit. Michael’s commitment is the more remarkable.

Thus I feel that Michael McGrath goes forth very much in the Shackleton spirit. When his NIMROD expedition was in dire straits, Shackleton simply wrote in his diary “Difficulties are just things to overcome”.

I feel confident that Michael will continue to follow that path and I am proud to be a Patron of pole2pole.


Lydia Drukarz, Director
Wavelength Public Relations
M. 07977 454180
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